The Brant Tornadoes 15U Girls Synergy team picked up their second medal of the season today, and this time it was GOLD! Synergy was competing at a 16U Challenge Cup held at Holy Trinity in Simcoe. The team played well with aggressive serving and bringing the boom on offense.
Pool play:
W vs London Sharks Fury 25-18, 25-3
W vs Georgetown Impact 25-14, 25-13
W vs London Volleyball Club 25-11, 26-24
W vs Lakeside Billao 25-19, 25-23
W vs Georgetown Impact 25-16, 17-25, 15-8
Outstanding players: Kara F., Molly C., Jordyn M.

Front row (left to right) Jordyn M., April S., Mikayla B., Emmy T.
Back row (left to right) Josie G., Molly C., Avery S., Kara F., Quinn O., Madie L., Coach Sandy Beedham